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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Noliko MAASEIK only one step away from the national league title – Volleyball News

The Belgian men’s volleyball team Noliko MAASEIK is soon to become the top national team. The MAASEIK squad is competing at the finals of Men’s National Volleyball League of Belgium. The team is joined by arch-rival Euphony ASSE-LENNIK in the final round of the competition. However, Noliko has become the top contender of the competition by winning last two matches against Euphony. 

The two teams played first match of the final phase on Saturday, April 14. Noliko staged an eye catching action on the net and posted 3-2 victory over Euphony ASSE-LENNIK. The top guns of Noliko MAASEIK carried the momentum into next match on April 18 and once again downed the resilient rival with same 3-2 record. 

The decisive third match of the final round is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 21. Noliko is in much better position to take away the next match as it already has two victories in hand. The match will be hosted by city of MAASEIK, which will also serve as competitive edge for home team.

Let’s wait and see how the final showdown of Belgian Men’s National League undergoes.

To check out the detailed result sheet, check out the following link:

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