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Monday, June 11, 2012

Bulgarian coach Stoychev and player Kaziyski quit the team – Volleyball News

Shocking news hit the block as Bulgarian Volleyball Federation received resignation from head coach Radostin Stoychev and star player Matey Kaziyski on Monday. 

Both of them cited lack of effectiveness and non transparency in the operations of Bulgarian Volleyball Federation. They announced their decision to leave the team at a crucial time when Bulgaria earned an Olympic berth just recently. 

Stoychev had clashes with federation Chief Dancho Lazarov and opened declared that they cannot work together. However, Lazrov did not show any intent to step down but Stoychev made the final choice for him. He said, "Since there has been no resignation tabled by Dancho Lazarov so far, I confirm that I am undertaking action to end my contract as national volleyball team coach.”

On the other hand, Kaziyski was unhappy with the federation and players of the team. He stated, “I cannot work with these people (the federation), hence my decision to quit.” 

However, the Federation has refrained to say anything about the resignations so far.
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