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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Indian referee Parthasarathi Margalingam bids farewell to life – Volleyball Obituary

He was one of the best on the volleyball court in India; Parthasarathi Margalingam breathed his last on the 27thof March, 2013. The international referee was 70 years of age when he passed away.

He was part of the Federation International de Volleyball (FIVB) and performed his duties in India. The Volleyball Federation of India (VFI) owe him a great deal as he worked hard to promote and develop the game of volleyball in India. He supervised many a international events.

“He knew each and every rule by-heart. He could make all the rules seem so simple even though they are not,” said nationnal referee Anandan, who also served as the Chairman of the Referees Board of the Karnataka Volleyball Association.

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