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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Chinese volleyball player Chen Zhaodi dies at 58 – Volleyball Obituary

The female Chinese volleyball star of the yesteryears, Chen Zhaodi, suffered from cancer for quite a long time and passed away on Tuesday, 2nd April 2013. She was 58 at the time of her death.

Chen started her volleyball career in 1973 as she found a place in the army team. She joined the women’s national volleyball team in 1976 and contributed to the overall success of her team. She remained a part of the national team which seized the women's volleyball World Cup title in 1981. Moreover, she played a key role in leading her team to top position in 1982 as well.

Following a successful career as a player, Chen opted for the profession of coach and took charge of the national junior team. She served as coach from 1986 to 1987. Afterwards, she was diagnosed with cancer in 1988. She underwent major operations and returned to the team in 1989.

On account of her wonderful skills and talent, Chen was selected as the vice-president and consultant at the Chinese Volleyball Association in 1993. She put a great duty to the sport of volleyball in China and her services will be remembered.

FIVB Honorary Life President, Wei Jizhong expressed his sadness on learning about the loss of Chen Zhaodi. “I am greatly shocked to learn with deep sorrow of the passing away of our renowned player. She was an excellent player and a Chinese hero, who dedicated all her energies throughout her life to Chinese volleyball development.”

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